Issue 3-4 (2012)

Nanoplasmonics: a frontier of photovoltaic solar cells

Nanoplasmonics: a frontier of photovoltaic solar cells

Nanoplasmonics recently has emerged as a new frontier of photovoltaic research. Noble metal nanostructures that can concentrate and guide light have demonstrated great capability for dramatically improving the energy conversion efficiency of both laboratory …

Coating matters: the influence of coating materials on the optical properties of gold nanoparticles

Coating matters: the influence of coating materials on the optical properties of gold nanoparticles

An essential element in the synthesis of nanomaterials based on gold nanoparticles comprises the control over parameters such as size, shape and composition, due to their strong influence on the properties of the particles. However, it is the coating material …

Nanoplasmonic sensing for nanomaterials science

Nanoplasmonic sensing for nanomaterials science

Nanoplasmonic sensing has over the last two decades emerged as and diversified into a very promising experimental platform technology for studies of biomolecular interactions and for biomolecule detection (biosensors). Inspired by this success, in more recent …

Physics of the zero- photonic gap: fundamentals and latest developments

Physics of the zero- photonic gap: fundamentals and latest developments

A short overview is presented on the research works related to the zero- gap, which appears as the volume-averaged refraction index vanishes in photonic structures containing both positive and negative-index materials. After introducing the basic concept of …

Label-free detection with high-Q microcavities: a review of biosensing mechanisms for integrated devices

Label-free detection with high-Q microcavities: a review of biosensing mechanisms for integrated devices

Optical microcavities that confine light in high-Q resonance promise all of the capabilities required for a successful next-generation microsystem biodetection technology. Label-free detection down to single molecules as well as operation in aqueous …

Enhanced nonlinearities using plasmonic nanoantennas

Enhanced nonlinearities using plasmonic nanoantennas

In this paper, we review and discuss how nanoantennas may be used to largely enhance the nonlinear response of optical materials. For single nanoantennas, there have been tremendous advancements in understanding how to exploit the local field enhancement to …