Issue 18; New Frontiers in Nonlinear Nanophotonics (2024)

Tailoring of the polarization-resolved second harmonic generation in two-dimensional semiconductors

Tailoring of the polarization-resolved second harmonic generation in two-dimensional semiconductors

Second harmonic generation is a non-linear optical phenomenon in which coherent radiation with frequency omega interacts with a non-centrosymmetric material and produces coherent radiation at frequency 2omega. Owing to the exciting physical phenomena that …

A review of gallium phosphide nanophotonics towards omnipotent nonlinear devices

A review of gallium phosphide nanophotonics towards omnipotent nonlinear devices

Gallium phosphide (GaP) has been increasingly prioritized, fueled by the enormous demands in visible light applications such as biomedical and quantum technologies. GaP has garnered tremendous attention in nanophotonics thanks to its high refractive index, …

Nonlinear photonics on integrated platforms

Nonlinear photonics on integrated platforms

Nonlinear photonics has unveiled new avenues for applications in metrology, spectroscopy, and optical communications. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in integrated platforms, attributed to their fundamental benefits, including compatibility with …

Nonlinear optical physics at terahertz frequency

Nonlinear optical physics at terahertz frequency

Terahertz (THz) waves have exhibited promising prospects in 6G/7G communications, sensing, nondestructive detection, material modulation, and biomedical applications. With the development of high-power THz sources, more and more nonlinear optical effects at …

Second harmonic generation and broad-band photoluminescence in mesoporous Si/SiO_2 nanoparticles

Second harmonic generation and broad-band photoluminescence in mesoporous Si/SiO_2 nanoparticles

Efficient second harmonic generation and broad-band photoluminescence from deeply subwavelength and nontoxic nanoparticles is essential for nanophotonic applications. Here, we explore nonlinear optical response from mesoporous Si/SiO_2, SiO_2, and Si …

Second harmonic generation in monolithic gallium phosphide metasurfaces

Second harmonic generation in monolithic gallium phosphide metasurfaces

Gallium phosphide (GaP) offers unique opportunities for nonlinear and quantum nanophotonics due to its wide optical transparency range, high second-order nonlinear susceptibility, and the possibility to tailor the nonlinear response by a suitable choice of …

Intrinsic nonlinear geometric phase in SHG from zincblende crystal symmetry media

Intrinsic nonlinear geometric phase in SHG from zincblende crystal symmetry media

We demonstrate that AlGaAs thin films and metasurfaces generate a distinct intrinsic nonlinear geometric phase in their second harmonic signals, differing significantly from previous studies on nonlinear dielectric, plasmonic, or hybrid metasurfaces. Unlike …

CMOS-compatible, AlScN-based integrated electro-optic phase shifter

CMOS-compatible, AlScN-based integrated electro-optic phase shifter

Commercial production of integrated photonic devices is limited by scalability of desirable material platforms. We explore a relatively new photonic material, AlScN, for its use in electro-optic phase shifting and modulation. Its CMOS-compatibility could …

Symmetry-breaking-induced off-resonance second-harmonic generation enhancement in asymmetric plasmonic nanoparticle dimers

Symmetry-breaking-induced off-resonance second-harmonic generation enhancement in asymmetric plasmonic nanoparticle dimers

The linear and nonlinear optical properties of metallic nanoparticles have attracted considerable experimental and theoretical research interest. To date, most researchers have focused primarily on exploiting their plasmon excitation enhanced near-field and …

Nonreciprocal scattering and unidirectional cloaking in nonlinear nanoantennas

Nonreciprocal scattering and unidirectional cloaking in nonlinear nanoantennas

Reciprocal scatterers necessarily extinguish the same amount of incoming power when excited from opposite directions. This property implies that it is not possible to realize scatterers that are transparent when excited from one direction but that scatter and …

Metallic photoluminescence of plasmonic nanoparticles in both weak and strong excitation regimes

Metallic photoluminescence of plasmonic nanoparticles in both weak and strong excitation regimes

The luminescent nature of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) has been intensively investigated in recent years. Plasmon-enhanced electronic Raman scattering and the radiation channels of metallic photoluminescence (PL) involving conventional carrier recombinations …

Inverse design of nonlinear metasurfaces for sum frequency generation

Inverse design of nonlinear metasurfaces for sum frequency generation

Sum frequency generation (SFG) has multiple applications, from optical sources to imaging, where efficient conversion requires either long interaction distances or large field concentrations in a quadratic nonlinear material. Metasurfaces provide an essential …

Tunable third harmonic generation based on high-Q polarization-controlled hybrid phase-change metasurface

Tunable third harmonic generation based on high-Q polarization-controlled hybrid phase-change metasurface

Dielectric metasurfaces have made significant advancements in the past decade for enhancing light–matter interaction at the nanoscale. Particularly, bound states in the continuum (BICs) based on dielectric metasurfaces have been employed to enhance …

Phase-matched third-harmonic generation in silicon nitride waveguides

Phase-matched third-harmonic generation in silicon nitride waveguides

Third-harmonic generation (THG) in silicon nitride waveguides is an ideal source of coherent visible light, suited for ultrafast pulse characterization, telecom signal monitoring and self-referenced comb generation due to its relatively large nonlinear …

Nonlinear mid-infrared meta-membranes

Nonlinear mid-infrared meta-membranes

Nanophotonic structures have shown promising routes to controlling and enhancing nonlinear optical processes at the nanoscale. However, most nonlinear nanostructures require a handling substrate, reducing their application scope. Due to the underwhelming heat …

Phase-matched five-wave mixing in zinc oxide microwire

Phase-matched five-wave mixing in zinc oxide microwire

High-order wave mixing in solid-state platforms gather increasing importance due to the development of advanced lasers and integrated photonic circuit for both classical and quantum information. However, the high-order wave mixing is generally inefficient in …

Tunable high-order harmonic generation in GeSbTe nano-films

Tunable high-order harmonic generation in GeSbTe nano-films

High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solids opens new frontiers in ultrafast spectroscopy of carrier and field dynamics in condensed matter, picometer resolution structural lattice characterization and designing compact platforms for attosecond pulse …

Si metasurface supporting multiple quasi-BICs for degenerate four-wave mixing

Si metasurface supporting multiple quasi-BICs for degenerate four-wave mixing

Dielectric metasurfaces supporting quasi-bound states in the continuum (qBICs) enable high field enhancement with narrow-linewidth resonances in the visible and near-infrared ranges. The resonance emerges when distorting the meta-atom’s geometry away from a …

Cryogenic nonlinear microscopy of high-Q metasurfaces coupled with transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers

Cryogenic nonlinear microscopy of high-Q metasurfaces coupled with transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers

Monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) demonstrate plenty of unique properties due to the band structure. Symmetry breaking brings second-order susceptibility to meaningful values resulting in the enhancement of corresponding nonlinear …

Giant second-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS_2 boosted by dual bound states in the continuum

Giant second-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS_2 boosted by dual bound states in the continuum

Dielectric metasurfaces open new avenues in nonlinear optics through their remarkable capability of boosting frequency conversion efficiency of nonlinear optical interactions. Here, a metasurface consisting of a square array of cruciform-shaped silicon …

Quasi-BICs enhanced second harmonic generation from WSe_2 monolayer

Quasi-BICs enhanced second harmonic generation from WSe_2 monolayer

Quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs) offer unique advantages in enhancing nonlinear optical processes and advancing the development of active optical devices. Here, the tunable robust quasi-BICs resonances are experimentally achieved through the …

Intense second-harmonic generation in two-dimensional PtSe_2

Intense second-harmonic generation in two-dimensional PtSe_2

Platinum diselenide (PtSe_2), classified as a noble metal dichalcogenide, has garnered substantial interest owing to its layer-dependent band structure, remarkable air-stability, and high charge-carrier mobilities. These properties make it highly promising …

Efficient generation of octave-separating orbital angular momentum beams via forked grating array in lithium niobite crystal

Efficient generation of octave-separating orbital angular momentum beams via forked grating array in lithium niobite crystal

The concept of orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light has not only advanced fundamental physics research but also yielded a plethora of practical applications, benefitting from the abundant methods for OAM generation based on linear, nonlinear and combined …

High-efficiency nonlinear frequency conversion enabled by optimizing the ferroelectric domain structure in x-cut LNOI ridge waveguide

High-efficiency nonlinear frequency conversion enabled by optimizing the ferroelectric domain structure in x-cut LNOI ridge waveguide

Photonic devices based on ferroelectric domain engineering in thin film lithium niobate are key components for both classical and quantum information processing. Periodic poling of ridge waveguide can avoid the selective etching effect of lithium niobate, …

Shape unrestricted topological corner state based on Kekulé modulation and enhanced nonlinear harmonic generation

Shape unrestricted topological corner state based on Kekulé modulation and enhanced nonlinear harmonic generation

Topological corner states have been extensively utilized as a nanocavity to increase nonlinear harmonic generation due to their high Q-factor and robustness. However, the previous topological corner states based nanocavities and nonlinear harmonic generation …

Vortex solitons in topological disclination lattices

Vortex solitons in topological disclination lattices

The existence of thresholdless vortex solitons trapped at the core of disclination lattices that realize higher-order topological insulators is reported. The study demonstrates the interplay between nonlinearity and higher-order topology in these systems, as …

Dirac exciton–polariton condensates in photonic crystal gratings

Dirac exciton–polariton condensates in photonic crystal gratings

Bound states in the continuum have recently been utilized in photonic crystal gratings to achieve strong coupling and ultralow threshold condensation of exciton–polariton quasiparticles with atypical Dirac-like features in their dispersion relation. Here, …

Enhancing cooperativity of molecular J-aggregates by resonantly coupled dielectric metasurfaces

Enhancing cooperativity of molecular J-aggregates by resonantly coupled dielectric metasurfaces

J-aggregates are supramolecular assemblies of dyes exhibiting strong absorption and fluorescence with narrow linewidths, as well as large optical nonlinearities, induced by the formation of largely delocalized molecular excitons. The degree of cooperativity …

Symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum on an integrated photonic platform

Symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum on an integrated photonic platform

Bound states in the continuum (BICs) have attracted much attention in the field of nanophotonics owing to their ability to trap photons without loss. Recently, a low-refractive-index (RI) waveguide loaded on a high-RI slab structure was demonstrated to …

Ultrashort pulse biphoton source in lithium niobate nanophotonics at 2 um

Ultrashort pulse biphoton source in lithium niobate nanophotonics at 2 um

Photonics offers unique capabilities for quantum information processing (QIP) such as room-temperature operation, the scalability of nanophotonics, and access to ultrabroad bandwidths and consequently ultrafast operation. Ultrashort pulse sources of quantum …

Entangled photon-pair generation in nonlinear thin-films

Entangled photon-pair generation in nonlinear thin-films

We develop a fully vectorial and non-paraxial formalism to describe spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear thin films. The formalism is capable of treating slabs with a sub-wavelength thickness, describe the associated Fabry–Pérot effects, and …

Directionally tunable co- and counterpropagating photon pairs from a nonlinear metasurface

Directionally tunable co- and counterpropagating photon pairs from a nonlinear metasurface

Nonlinear metasurfaces have recently been established as a new platform for generating photon pairs via spontaneous parametric down-conversion. While for classical harmonic generation in metasurfaces a high level of control over all degrees of freedom of …

All-optical modulator with photonic topological insulator made of metallic quantum wells

All-optical modulator with photonic topological insulator made of metallic quantum wells

All-optical modulators hold significant prospects for future information processing technologies for they are able to process optical signals without the electro-optical convertor which limits the achievable modulation bandwidth. However, owing to the …

Photo-thermo-optical modulation of Raman scattering from Mie-resonant silicon nanostructures

Photo-thermo-optical modulation of Raman scattering from Mie-resonant silicon nanostructures

Raman scattering is sensitive to local temperature and thus offers a convenient tool for non-contact and non-destructive optical thermometry at the nanoscale. In turn, all-dielectric nanostructures, such as silicon particles, exhibit strongly enhanced …

Plasmonic electro-optic modulators on lead zirconate titanate platform

Plasmonic electro-optic modulators on lead zirconate titanate platform

The advancement in material platforms exhibiting strong and robust electro-optic effects is crucial for further progress in developing highly efficient and miniaturized optoelectronic components with low power consumption for modern optical communication …

Miniature spectrometer based on graded bandgap perovskite filter

Miniature spectrometer based on graded bandgap perovskite filter

Miniature spectrometer is powerful tool for scientific research and industrial inspection. Here, we report the fabrication of graded perovskite filters with tunable bandgap and their application in constructing miniature spectrometer. The graded perovskite …

Far-field mapping and efficient beaming of second harmonic by a plasmonic metagrating

Far-field mapping and efficient beaming of second harmonic by a plasmonic metagrating

We study numerically and experimentally the second-harmonic generation (SHG) from rectangular metagratings of V-shaped gold nanoantennas. We show that by carefully engineering the array pitch to steer the diffraction orders toward the single antenna emission, …